Strawberry Shortcakes stacked atop each other, topped with Dairy-Free Coconut Cream and on a small ceramic plate

Strawberry Shortcakes with Dairy-Free Coconut Cream

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The best desserts are made with fresh fruits and simple ingredients. My Strawberry Shortcakes with Dairy-Free Coconut Cream are just that! Made with fresh strawberries, JUSTIN’S® Coconut Almond Butter, and dairy-free coconut cream, this recipe is the perfect treat for any occasion.

Justin's signature in maroon red
Icon of cutlery (from left to right: fork, knife, spoon) inside circle outline in maroon red



Icon of cutting board with knife on top in maroon red


5 minutes

Icon of sizzling frying pan in maroon red


20 minutes

Icon of clock in maroon red lines


25 minutes


Dairy-Free Coconut Cream:
3 tablespoons JUSTIN’S® Coconut Almond Butter
½ (14 ounces) can Coconut Cream
2 tablespoons Honey

1 pint Strawberries, sliced
2 teaspoons Coconut Sugar
5 Biscuits (we used Frozen Organic Cream Cheese Biscuits)


1. To make the coconut cream, whip together the coconut cream, almond butter, and honey.

2. Combine the strawberries and sugar in a medium bowl, and let sit for at least 20 minutes to get juicy.

3. Slice biscuits in half and top with a dollop of coconut cream and strawberries.

This Recipe Serves 5


Dairy-Free Coconut Cream:
3 tablespoons JUSTIN’S® Coconut Almond Butter
½ (14 ounces) can Coconut Cream
2 tablespoons Honey

1 pint Strawberries, sliced
2 teaspoons Coconut Sugar
5 Biscuits (we used Frozen Organic Cream Cheese Biscuits)


1. To make the coconut cream, whip together the coconut cream, almond butter, and honey.

2. Combine the strawberries and sugar in a medium bowl, and let sit for at least 20 minutes to get juicy.

3. Slice biscuits in half and top with a dollop of coconut cream and strawberries.

This Recipe Serves 5

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