Combine the Maple Almond Butter and coconut oil in a small bowl. Microwave 30 seconds, or until melted. Stir until well combined. Dip the tops of each donut hole, one at a time, into the Maple Almond Butter. Dip the tops into the sprinkles to stick to the almond butter. Insert half of a pretzel stick into the tops of the donut hole to make the acorn stem. Repeat with remaining donut holes. Serve immediately.
Make your favorite breakfast food become your new favorite dessert. Pecan Pie Baked Oatmeal with Cinnamon Almond Butter uses an oatmeal and chia seed mixture to support your favorite pecan pie filling. There is JUSTIN’S® Cinnamon Almond Butter in the pecan topping to add just the right touch of sweetness and spice.
I love spicing up a classic recipe. What do you do when life gives you JUSTIN’S® Coconut Almond Butter, oats, blueberries, and a free night? Make Coconut Almond Butter Overnight Oats of course! This recipe cuts out all the artificial ingredients included in a sugary instant packet. No need to thank me, I do it for the fans!
Combine the Maple Almond Butter and coconut oil in a small bowl. Microwave 30 seconds, or until melted. Stir until well combined. Dip the tops of each donut hole, one at a time, into the Maple Almond Butter. Dip the tops into the sprinkles to stick to the almond butter. Insert half of a pretzel stick into the tops of the donut hole to make the acorn stem. Repeat with remaining donut holes. Serve immediately.
I love cookies with stuff in them. It is like a dessert inside of a dessert. Bonus dessert! White Chocolate Peanut Butter ‘Cookies & Cream’ Cookies combine cookies with chunks of your favorite sandwich cookies and white chocolate peanut butter cups.
Rome wasn’t built in a day. All good things come to those who wait. There are probably some other expressions about time and working hard that aren’t coming to me right now. These Chocolate Hazelnut Babkas take a little bit of time, but they are well worth the effort. They use JUSTIN’S® Chocolate Hazelnut and Almond Butter and when served warm are a delicious snack for friends and family.
It’s so much easier to make homemade enchilada sauce than most people think. Bonus is that it tasted 100 times better than that stuff in the can. Vegetable Enchiladas with Cinnamon Almond Butter Mole let the delicious flavor of your own homemade sauces shine.
Movie night is one of my favorite nights of the week. Finding something to stream online with my friends and family is a great way to connect with loved ones. It doesn’t beat trips to the video store, but those don’t exist anymore. To make up for it, I came up with a recipe for Honey Almond Buttered Popcorn. It’s made with JUSTIN’S® Honey Almond Butter and is tasty sweet treat.