I was fiddling around in the kitchen trying to find a way to make the smoothest smoothie. Some of them came out pretty rough around the edges but I think I’ve finally cracked it. My Chocolate Hazelnut Banana Smoothie is smoother than silk, finer than wine, and packed with JUSTIN’S® Chocolate Hazelnut and Almond Butter. If it was any smoother, you could skip it across a pond.
Gluten got you down? Well, you don’t need gluten to have a good time. Mix yourself up a nice bowl of Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Dip. You can invite people over and enjoy it as a dip for apples or keep it for yourself and enjoy it with a spoon.
Tart. Tart. Just try saying it out loud. The word itself even sounds tart. Do you ever say a word so many times that it doesn’t sound like a thing anymore? If that’s the case, you better stop talking and start baking. My Chocolate Hazelnut Tart with Rosemary + Orange are definitely a thing. I think.